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Global Leader of Robot Industry

Human, Robot, Better Future, Robotics Industry Promotion Agency Leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Efficiently and systematically carry out projects to promote the robot industry
We will develop policies related to the intelligent robot industry.


[Event Announcement] Notice on Holding Global Robot Cluster’s Webinar2021-03-04 17:26:06

Greetings, this is Global Robot Cluster’s secretariat.

We are holding Global Robot Cluster’s 1st Webinar held by Global Robot Cluster and co-hosted by the Singapore Industrial Automation Association (SIAA), Asia Pacific Assistive Robotics Association (APARA), and Malaysia Robotics and Automation Society (MyRAS) on March 25th (Thu), 2021 at 14:00-17:00 (Korean Time). We ask for much participation and spreading of words from Global Robot Cluster’s member companies.

You’ll be able to access Global Robot Cluster’s 1st Webinar with ZOOM via the Eventbrite homepage later on. Thank you.​