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Global Leader of Robot Industry

Human, Robot, Better Future, Robotics Industry Promotion Agency Leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Efficiently and systematically carry out projects to promote the robot industry
We will develop policies related to the intelligent robot industry.


Global Robot Cluster Webinar Announcement2022-02-24 15:03:00

this is the secretariat of Global Robot Cluster.

Following last year's Webinar session, we are proud to invite you to this year's GRC Webinar, which will be held on March 17, 2022. The theme will be "AIR & Robotics in Construction Sector", and we highly encourage you to be part of our event.
You may register for the event in advance via Eventbrite. Please refer to the following
link : https://grc2022.eventbrite.com Or http://www.aibotics.tech/2022

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any inquiries.

Secretariat of GRC