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Global Leader of Robot Industry

Human, Robot, Better Future, Robotics Industry Promotion Agency Leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Efficiently and systematically carry out projects to promote the robot industry
We will develop policies related to the intelligent robot industry.



Russian Robotics Cluster (RAR)
Chairman/PresidentAlisa Koniukhovskaisa (CEO of RAR)

Russian Association of Robotics (RAR) was founded in 2015. The main goal of Association is strengthening Russian robotics market. RAR is an industry alliance which brings together domestic and foreign industrial robot producers and integrators, service robots producers, research and educational organizations, software developers.

Company List


  • 50 companies

Contact Info

  • Name : Alisa Koniukhovskaia
  • Position : President / Vice Chairman of GRC
  • e-mail : ak@robotunion.ru